Christmas has come and gone, and while the dreaded tree is still up, a constant source of stress, having to keep my child from ripping things from its plastic branches, I know that, soon, it will be out of sight for some time coming. It's nothing against the holidays, mind you - it's just one more thing that I need to worry about when I bring my boy upstairs to chill out, eat dinner, watch TV, play, whatever.
Since my last post I've been on an organization quest. Which is to say, I've been questing to find ways to organize, not really getting particularly organized. I'm on the cusp of a breakthrough, though! Really! I am! And just in time, too.
Over the last few months, I've been making efforts to get myself back into school. While there was a lot of bouncing around, meetings, phone calls, so on and so forth, it seems like the path is laid out. I'm scheduled for 4 classes this semester, night-time so when I do find the right job I'll still be able to attend. As much as finding a job is important to me, I don't want to simply apply a band-aid. This is about the long-term, something I usually have trouble planning for.
And it's exciting! To the point where, honestly, it's a bit surreal. In less than a month, I'll be attending my first college class ever. I'll spare you the details as to why I didn't go right out of high school, but, suffice it to say it's better this way. If I had gone then, I would have failed and likely never attempted again. Now that I've matured a little bit (only took me a decade and a half) I feel like I'm ready to tackle anything.
I'm not saying that any of this is going to be easy for me. I'm just saying I don't feel overwhelmed. Except, maybe, by the organization I mentioned earlier.
When I moved back from Florida, it was basically an escape. No real sense of what goes where, just get things in a box and get out of town. I didn't like my time in Florida, and I'm glad to see it behind me. But now I have the issue of not only trying to organize my belongings, but the belongings of my entire family, and this is simply to make things easier for the myriad tasks that are sitting underneath all the detritus.
I've come to accept that my brain prioritizes things differently than many people around me, which is a point of frustration for some - my wife included. I'm terrible at maintaining things at home. Starting new projects, grandiose ideas, creative energy, none of that's a problem. It's the day-to-day, needs-to-be-done tasks that my brain sabotages me on. ENFP, ADD, LOL.
So, I've been searching high and low for some kind of organization system - something that "just works" for people with my mind set. So far, there's no one single system. There's suggestions, tips, guidelines, but no concrete path to how to organize my own thoughts, projects, duties. So, mother of invention arrives again, and I've begun lashing together my own system.
Hopefully I'll report back with some elegant solution that someone out there might be able to use - or, I'll come back with pictures of my "office" looking like it's home to a conspiracy theorist, with red string interconnecting tasks, and pictures of random objects which I've long forgotten the purpose of.
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